How to Purchase
For large and medium size gravels please please provide us with the top and bottom sizes in inch or mm (e.g., 1/2 x 1/4 or 6-12 mm). For finer gravels please provide us with the top and bottom ASTM E11 sieve openings or the mm openings ( 6×14 or 1.40-3.35mm).
Other Properties
Specific gravity (ASTM C128): >2.50
Acid Solubility (AWWA B100): < 5%
Hardness (Mohs Scale): 6-8
Sphericity and Roundness (API RP56): 0.6
Sodium Soundness (ASTM C88): <15%
Test for Clay (ASTM C40 or C117): plate 1 and 2
Unit Weight and Voids (ASTM C29): 100 lb/cu ft
Chemical Analysis: SiO2: 98-99; Al2O3: 0.03-0.3, Fe2O3: 0.03-0.3, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, MnO2, MgO: to 0.05.